Coke or Pepsi

 As Mrs. Claus and I were  walking towards my chair at an event, a young man tried to stop me. He looked like he had a very serious question for me. He was at the front of the line and he had been there awhile. I told him … Continue readingCoke or Pepsi

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A message for Santa

Mom and I had to go see Santa. As we were waiting in line to see him, I knew he would not be happy with me. As the line moved a little closer to him he was smiling and happy, and saying, “Ho. Ho. Ho.” … Continue readingA message for Santa

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The Cookie Cabinet

  I was working in my workshop carving a doll for Mrs. Claus when  Auntie Joe entered into my workshop and a  nice sweet  smell followed her in. It was from Mrs. Claus kitchen and it was my favorite food, Chocolate chip cookies. HO HO … Continue readingThe Cookie Cabinet

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Santa Is Coming

I can still smell the smell of fresh baking of bread, cookies, pies, and cakes coming from mom’s kitchen and the best part was my brother and I  watching my sister help mom doing the baking and every once and awhile we would sneak in … Continue readingSanta Is Coming

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Our Christmas Tree

Mom and dad would wake us up early on a Saturday morning in December. Mom would pack a lunch with lots of hot chocolate, coffee and milk  my brother and  I would help dad get the old car ready and to make sure the car had … Continue readingOur Christmas Tree

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